Dart Language Asynchrony Support: Phase 1
Written by Gilad Bracha
October 2014
New language features to support asynchronous programming are coming to Dart.
These features are coming online gradually. In this article, we’ll discuss
the most basic additions: await
expressions and async
These are the most commonly used features related to asynchrony.
Async functions
An async function is a function whose body is marked with an async modifier.
foo() async => 42;
When you call an async function, it immediately returns a Future;
the body of the function is scheduled for execution later.
When the body has executed, the Future that was returned by the call
is completed with the result–regardless of whether the body
ran successfully, or raised an exception. In the trivial example
provided, calling foo()
results in a Future.
The Future eventually completes with the number 42.
You could have written a similar function without the async modifier:
foo() => new Future(() => 42);
The modifier saves you some boilerplate, but the real point is that it allows you to use await expressions inside the function, as we’ll see shortly. Later, we’ll return to async functions to understand them more fully.
Await expressions
Await expressions let you write asynchronous code almost as if it were
synchronous. Suppose you have a variable myFile
that refers to a
file. (For details on files, see the
File class in
You decide to copy it to a new location newPath
, declared as
String newPath = '/some/where/out/there';
You’d expect the following to be true:
myFile.copy(newPath).path == newPath;
Unfortunately, that won’t work. Since Dart’s I/O API is asynchronous,
the copy operation returns a Future,
and you can’t call path
on that. You must schedule a callback on the
Future returned from copy()
, and that callback performs the
comparison with its incoming parameter f
myFile.copy(newPath).then((f) => f.path == newPath);
This is a tad tedious, but gets much worse the more involved your code is.
What you really want to do is to wait until the asynchronous file copy
operations completes, get the result, and resume execution.
An await
expression lets you do exactly that:
(await myFile.copy(newPath)).path == newPath;
When the await expression runs, myFile.copy()
is invoked, yielding
a Future. Execution then suspends, waiting for the Future to complete.
After the Future has completed to a file, execution resumes.
The value of the await expression is the completion of the
Future–the file we were waiting for. Now we can extract its path
and compare it to newPath
In general, an await expression has the form:
await e
where e is a unary expression. Typically, e is an asynchronous computation and is expected to evaluate to a Future. The await expressions evaluates e, and then suspends the currently running function until the result is ready–that is, until the Future has completed. The result of the await expression is the completion of the Future.
If the Future completed with an error rather than with a value, the await expression throws that same error when execution resumes, which greatly simplifies the handling of exceptions in asynchronous code.
What if e does not evaluate to a Future? Well, await waits anyway (technically, it wraps the result in a Future and waits for it to complete in the event loop cycle). This is one of the differences between Dart and similar features in other languages. In Dart, await always awaits. This makes the behavior more predictable. In particular, if you have a loop with an unconditional await inside, you can always be sure that you will suspend on each iteration.
What if e itself throws an exception? (Note that this is not the same as evaluating to a Future that completes with an error.) The thrown exception is wrapped in a Future and execution suspends. When we resume, the exception is thrown. Again, suspension is predictable.
One last but crucial point: you can only use an await expression inside an async function. If you try and use await in an ordinary function, you’ll get a compilation error. If you were to suspend an ordinary function, it wouldn’t be synchronous anymore.
Async functions: the fine print
Now that we understand how await expressions work, let’s revisit async functions so we’re clear on some important details.
First, notice that the modifier goes between the function signature and
its body. We could also have written foo()
foo() async { return 42; }
In short, the modifier comes before the => or the curly brace that opens the function body.
The modifier is not part of the signature; it is just an implementation detail of the function. From the caller’s perspective, invoking an async function is no different from invoking a traditional one.
The async modifier has no effect on the declared return type of the function either, for the same reason. However, it does change what type of object is actually returned. Notice that the return statement returns an integer, but the function has already returned a Future to its caller! Inside an async function, the return statement operates differently than within a regular function. In an async function return completes the Future that the function returned to the caller when it was invoked. The Future gets completed with the value of the expression being returned.
Likewise if you throw (or rethrow) an exception inside an async function, the object being thrown is used to complete the Future with an error.
If the expression being returned has type T
, the function should have
return type Future<T>
(or a supertype thereof). Otherwise, a static
warning is issued. Our examples don’t declare a return type, so
they have return type dynamic–therefore no warning is given.
If the expression inside the return statement is a Future<T>
, the
function return type should remain as Future<T>
. There is not much you can do with a Future that
has completed to another Future except wait some more, so layers of
Futures are eliminated by the async library. The type discipline is
designed to recognize that fact.
Finally, notice that an async function in Dart is always asynchronous. This is unlike async functions in other languages, where the function may, in some cases, be completely synchronous. In Dart, you know that every part of an async function is executing after the call that invoked it has returned to the caller.
Putting it all together
Here is an example that incorporates what we’ve learned so far. Suppose we are running a simple animation which updates the display on every frame.
Without using async and await, the code might look something like this:
import "dart:html"; main() { var context = querySelector("canvas").context2D; var running = true; // Set false to stop. tick(time) { context.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500); context.fillRect(time % 450, 20, 50, 50); if (running) window.animationFrame.then(tick); } window.animationFrame.then(tick); }
It’s not too complicated, but not totally simple either. We produce a frame;
when the frame is done, we expect to invoke a callback function, tick()
that produces the next frame (if the animation hasn’t been stopped)
and passes itself as the callback recursively, perpetuating the process.
The function tick()
represents the continuation of the computation, and we
all know how intuitive and easy continuations are.
Using our new language features, we can write the following instead:
import "dart:html"; main() async { var context = querySelector("canvas").context2D; var running = true; // Set false to stop game. while (running) { var time = await window.animationFrame; context.clearRect(0, 0, 500, 500); context.fillRect(time % 450, 20, 50, 50); } }
Here the code is self explanatory. While the animation is running, we compute a frame. The choice is yours; pick whichever version you find easier to understand.
More information
For information on more advanced asynchrony topics, such as async*, sync*, yield, and yield*, see Dart Language Asynchrony Support: Phase 2.